Thursday, October 8, 2009

PDU - Protocol Data Unit

PDUs are relevant in relation to one of the first 4 layers of the OSI model as follows:

  1. The Layer 1 PDU is the bit
  2. The Layer 2 PDU is the frame
  3. The Layer 3 PDU is the packet
  4. The Layer 4 PDU is the segment (e.g. TCP segment)

(Layer 5 and above are referred to as data.)


Monday, October 5, 2009

Cisco Switch :: Privilege Mode

Camner nk tukar password Cisco? Actually Cisco ada 2 level akses iaitu user EXEC mode dan privileged EXEC mode.

user EXEC mode (privilege level 1)
- Mode default dlm Cisco
- Bleh akses fungsi asas switch/router seperti status interface, routing table etc2
- Tak boleh ubag konfigurasi switch / router
- Untuk tukar password ::
router(config)# username test password test privilege 3

Priveleged EXEC Mode (privilege level 15)
- Taip "enable" dlm user EXEC mode akan membawa kpd mode ini
- Boleh akses keseluruhan fungsi dlm switch / router.
- Utk tukar pass ::
router(config)# enable secret level 5 level5pass

Untuk tengok priveleged, boleh issue command ::
router# show privilege 
Current privilege level is 3


Covert Video File Format

Kalo guna ubuntu, bleh pkai ffmeg utk convert file video FLV kpd lain-lain format seperti WMV, AVI dan MP3. Aku convert nie coz nk play video nie dalam streaming server guna Window Media Services.

Convert FLV kpd WMV
ffmpeg -i ustaz\ azhar\ idrus\ -\ sunnah\ \&\ kias\ kepal\ tanah\ kubur.flv -vcodec wmv1 -acodec adpcm_ima_wav tanah-kubur.wmv

Convert FLV kpd AVI
ffmpeg -i 10-ustaz\ azhar\ idrus\ -\ hukum\ jaga\ \&\ beri\ nafkah\ kpd\ orang\ tua.flv -vcodec msmpeg4v2 test.avi

Convert FLV kpd MP3

Basic ::

ffmpeg -i inpuvvideofile.flv outputaudiofile.mp3

By default, ffmpeg akan encode mp3 kpd 64kb/s. Guna command -ab untuk tukar kepada 128kb/s.

ffmpeg -i inpuvvideofile.flv -ab 128k outputaudiofile.mp3

By default, mp3 file telah di encode ke dlm file FLV. Guna command -acodec copy untuk output yg lebih cepat.

ffmpeg -i inpuvvideofile.flv -acodec copy outputaudiofile.mp3

Untuk check file FLV lebih details, issue command di bawah ::

ffmpeg -i inputvideo.flv

Youtube ke MP3 (Play dahulu file Youtube sampai habis)

ffmpeg -i /tmp/FlashTAx7jp -acodec libmp3lame output.mp3

Reference ::

Friday, October 2, 2009