Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Identify Cisco Serial Number

Boleh guna tools dr cisco -


command line - show idprom backplane

6509#show idprom backplane
IDPROM for backplane #0
(FRU is 'Catalyst 6500 6-slot backplane')
OEM String = 'Cisco Systems'
Product Number = 'WS-C6506'
Serial Number = 'TBA03270652'
Manufacturing Assembly Number = '73-3436-01'
Manufacturing Assembly Revision = 'A0'
Hardware Revision = 1.0
Current supplied (+) or consumed (-) = -A

Reference :

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Fb developer - cretae our own apps

Baca sendiri kt bawah


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Link Fb with Phpbb

Baru2 ni dpat wall status dr cisco support community... Dia org announce boleh create comment direct dr wall fb cisco community...Sebelum ni perlu login dlu ke cisco support community forum & baru bleh create posting..

Dan yg kewl nyer, setiap posting yg di buat di wall fb akan di papar juga di forum cisco support community....cuma id yg berbeza...bukan SSO...apa2 pun mmg sangat membantu memperbanyakkan lg posting di forum ;-)

Sedang dlm kajian utk buat situasi yg sama mcm cisco support forum tp menggunakan phpbb..sape yg dh success impliment benda ni sila comment..

Research link

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sunday, November 13, 2011

VTP info

Flash animation about VTP (Vlan Trunking Protocol)

Original Link

Friday, October 28, 2011

PEAP MSCHAP V2 using WLC and Cisco ACS configuration example

Got from cisco support forums :

PEAP MSCHAP V2 using WLC and ACS configuration example

In this video we are going to configure the WLC for PEAP MSCHAPV2 Username / Password authentication using Cisco ACS and WLC.

Hope this video was helpful and please feel free to drop in a comment and I will be more than happy to assist you!



Introduction To PHP Framework

Secara mudahnya, definasi framework php yg aku ambil dr posting forum :

framework ni maksudnye dia simplify kan development untuk application. so benda2 yg common sebagai contoh (connect ke database, create, read, update, delete) dalam mana2 projek yg kite buat pon akan ada kan? x payah la nak penat2 write code tu from scratch, so mostly framework ni ada provide benda2 tu dalam library diorng. kira shortcut lah.

Ada banyak framework utk php..Antaranya :
Boleh tak kalo tak nak pakai framework?
Jawapan : Boleh. Tapi programming kena buat ikut kebiasaan / cara lama. Cth seperti di bawah :

Lifutushi wrote ,

cara yang biasa aku buat ialah pecah files kepada 5 kategori:

1) functions (php, javascript,ajax) - biasanya satu main functions.php file dalam tu include file2 functions lain
2) queries - sama macam di atas
3) sessions - satu file
4) css - beberapa files berlainan untuk mudah ubah 'feel' bila-bila masa
5) html - caca marba, aku create html files ikut suka

so kat setiap html file akan ada include_once bla bla bla,

doubt wrote ,

haha... tak pakai framework pun takpa, cuba split kan paling kurang dua benda je, programming logic dan html/template.

contoh nya:

// dapatkan apa yang perlu dapat

dbconnection = ...
query = ....

userlist = ...
title = ....

// last sekali include kan template
// yang akan output kan pada user html
include "template/users/userlist.php";

dalam template file tuh gunakan variable yang di "set" kan

user in userlist {




dengan cara macam lebih mudah untuk baca coding yang kita sendiri buat, iaitu semua logic ada kat satu file, dan tak jadi panjang kerana tidak bercampur dengan html output.

Itulah sedikit sebanyak info tentang framework php yg aku extract dr discussion guru2 di forum Harap memberi gambaran awal kpd kita semua yg beginner tentang framework php...wassalam

Reference :

Friday, May 20, 2011

When a MAC address has letters in it how do you calculate the lowest value for Root Bridge selection ?

Hex / Decimal

0 = 0

1 = 1

2 = 2


9 = 9

A = 10

B = 11

C = 12

D = 13

E = 14

F = 15

10 = 16

11 = 17


1E = 30

1F = 31

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Command "MV" dlm Linux Yg kewl

Guna command "find Log* -exec mv {} /home/hafiz/Config/Mac11/Log \;" untuk alihkan semua file ke folder yg tertentu..Dalam kes ni aku nk move semua file Logg & file configuration ke dalam folder yg telah di buat..

Follow guide kt bawah ni :
Pastu issue command di atas :



Nmap Founder - Fyodor

Dari mana asalnya nama "Fyodor"

  1. Where did the nicname Fyodor come from?

    Like many hackers, I enjoy reading. For a while in the early 90s I was particularly enamored with Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky. Shortly after reading his Notes From Underground, I logged onto a new BBS using the handle Fyodor as a whim. It stuck. I'm a little embarrassed that a Google search for Fyodor now lists me before Dostoevsky. I guess it is hard to earn and maintain a decent PageRank when you're dead.


Mastering the Nmap Scripting Engine

Reference - Defcon

Open VA


Resize Multiple images in a folder (Batch Image Resize) in Ubuntu

Dlm windows biasanya kita pkai software image resizer yg disediakan dlm pakej power Toys... Dalam Linux (Ubuntu) juga ada aplikasi tersebut...Menggunakan perisian ImageMagic..

1- sudo apt-get install imagemagick
2- cd (pergi ke directory imej yg ingin di resize kn)
3- mogrify -resize 50% -format jpg * (resize imej 50% dr size asal)
4- mogrify -resize 800x600 -format jpg * (tetapkan sendiri size imej)


Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Reference :;

CCNA FreeExam

Download kt sini :

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Fb & Twitter & Waktu solat di blogspot

cara2 nk add status "like" fb di setiap posting di blog :

1. Login Blogspot > Dashboard

2. Click pada Design > Html > Expand Widget template ( TICK)

3. Ctrl + F dan cari


4. Copy Code di Orenh bawah ini dan pastekan di bawah code (2)


cara2 nk waktu solat di blog :

cara2 nk psang twitter di blog :

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Shell Script - Create Folder

Nk buat satu script yg akan tngok file dlm satu folder dan akan groupkan file tersebut dlm folder yg baru base pada tarikh hari semasa.

Biasanya guna bila nk alihkan backup file ke folder yg baru secara automatic...Cth script tersebut seperti di bawah::


d=`date "+%b%d"`
mkdir /home/$d

cd /home/stuff
find . -depth -type f -name '*' -mtime -1 -exec mv {} /home/$d \;

Rujukan :

Saturday, February 26, 2011

ARP , RARP & Proxy ARP

ARP = Address Resolution Protocol
RARP = Reverse Address Resolution Protocol

- I know my destination IP address but i don't know it's MAC address
- Map known layer 3 destination address to unknown destination layer 2 address.

- I know my source MAC address but i don't know my IP address
- DHCP server will give IP address to my host

Reference ::

Cisco :: Configuring SSH

PRECONDITION: You need a K9 IOS (newer than 12.1) to enable SSH

1) You MUST set a host name
hostname ciscolab

2) You MUST set a ip domain name
ip domain-name

3) You MUST enable aaa new-model OR set “login local” under vty configuration but not just “login”
aaa new-model

4) You MUST create a user
username sshtest password 0 sshpass

5) You MUST generate RSA keys
crypto key generate rsa

if you have RSA keys before you will receive a message, type yes
% You already have RSA keys defined named
% Do you really want to replace them? [yes/no]: yes

it will ask for modulus size, 1024 is fine (it depends your security needs)
How many bits in the modulus [512]: 1024

6) You MUST set vty access method to all OR ssh (if you chose ssh telnet will be disabled)
line vty 0 4
transport input ssh

Reference ::

Cisco :: Port Security

Buat cengginie ::

Switch)# config t
Switch(config)# int fa0/18
Switch(config-if)# switchport port-security ?
aging Port-security aging commands
mac-address Secure mac address
maximum Max secure addresses
violation Security violation mode

Switch(config-if)# switchport port-security

As you can see in the example, there are a number of other port security commands that you can configure. Here are some of your options:

  • switchport port-security maximum {max # of MAC addresses allowed}: You can use this option to allow more than the default number of MAC addresses, which is one. For example, if you had a 12-port hub connected to this switch port, you would want to allow 12 MAC addresses—one for each device. The maximum number of secure MAC addresses per port is 132.
  • switchport port-security violation {shutdown | restrict | protect}: This command tells the switch what to do when the number of MAC addresses on the port has exceeded the maximum. The default is to shut down the port. However, you can also choose to alert the network administrator (i.e., restrict) or only allow traffic from the secure port and drop packets from other MAC addresses (i.e., protect).
  • switchport port-security mac-address {MAC address}: You can use this option to manually define the MAC address allowed for this port rather than letting the port dynamically determine the MAC address.

These are the guidelines to configure port security:

A secure port cannot be a trunk port.
A secure port cannot be an 802.1X port.
A secure port cannot belong to an EtherChannel port-channel interface.
A secure port and static MAC address configuration are mutually exclusive.
A secure port cannot be a destination port for Switch Port Analyzer (SPAN).

Reference ::

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Linux | ls dan rm command


you could delete each file individually with the following command:
rm Joe\name Joe\address Joe\phone Joe\Other\ssn\ Joe\Other\age

You could then use the rmdir command to remove the directories Other and Joe:

rmdir Joe/Other Joe

the command:

rm -r Joe

Finally, a trick. A common problem people run into is how to delete a file whose name starts with a -. For example, if you entered the command

rm -garbagefile

in an attempt to remove a file named -garbagefile, you would get the error message:

rm: illegal option -g

Try rm -help for more information.

This is because rm assumes that if its first argument starts with a - it is an option. The solution is to use a name that does not confuse rm. For example, you can use either the full pathname of the file or a relative pathname where you explicitly specify the current directory using ./. Thus, the following command would do the job:

rm ./-garbagefile



1) ls -t sorts the file by modification time, showing the last edited file first. head -1 picks up this first file.

$ vi first-long-file.txt
$ vi second-long-file.txt

$ vi `ls -t | head -1`

[Note: This will open the last file you edited (i.e second-long-file.txt)]

2)To show single entry per line, use -1 option as shown below.

$ ls -1 bin boot cdrom dev etc home initrd initrd.img lib

3) To show long listing information about the file/directory.

$ ls -l -rw-r----- 1 ramesh team-dev 9275204 Jun 13 15:27 mthesaur.txt.gz

Reference ::

Cara nk reset switch kpd factory default setting

Before You Begin

Before you reset the switch to factory defaults, perform one of these tasks:

  • Back up your configuration on a TFTP server.

  • Copy your configuration to a text file.

  • Copy the configuration locally on the bootflash or slot0: device.

Once you clear the user configuration, there is no way to recover the configuration unless you restore the backed-up configuration.

1- Reset Catalyst Switches Running CatOS

Cat5k> (enable) clear config all
This command will clear all configuration in NVRAM.
This command will cause ifIndex to be reassigned on the next system startup.
Do you want to continue (y/n) [n]? y
2002 Aug 03 15:16:19 %MLS-5-MCAST_STATUS:IP Multicast Multilayer Switching is disabled

System configuration cleared.
Use 'session' command to clear ATM or Router specific configurations.
Console> (enable)
Cat5k> (enable) clear config 5
This command will clear module 5 configuration.
Do you want to continue (y/n) [n]? y
Module 5 configuration cleared.

2- Reset Catalyst Switches Running Cisco IOS Software

Cat2950# write erase
Erasing the nvram filesystem will remove all files! Continue? [confirm]y[OK]
Erase of nvram: complete
Cat2950# reload
System configuration has been modified. Save? [yes/no]: n

!--- Do not save the configuration at this prompt. Otherwise, the switch
!--- reloads with the current running configuration and does not reset to default.

Proceed with reload? [confirm]y

2w0d: %SYS-5-RELOAD: Reload requested

C2950 Boot Loader (C2950-HBOOT-M) Version 12.1(11r)EA1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Compiled Mon 22-Jul-02 18:57 by antonino
WS-C2950G-12-EI starting...

Reset VLAN Information

Cat2950# show vlan

Cat2950# dir flash:

!--- On the 4500/4000, issue the dir cat4000_flash: command.
!--- On the 6500/6000, issue the dir const_nvram: command.

Directory of flash:/

2 -rwx 2487439 Mar 11 1993 01:25:32 c2950-i6q4l2-mz.121-9.EA1d.bin
3 -rwx 840 Mar 20 1993 09:20:09 vlan.dat

!--- This vlan.dat file stores user-configured VLANs.

4 -rwx 2491435 Mar 08 1993 16:14:13 c2950-mvr.bin
6 -rwx 42 Mar 01 1993 00:07:35 env_vars
7 -rwx 109 Mar 11 1993 01:23:56 info
8 drwx 640 Mar 11 1993 01:26:35 html
19 -rwx 109 Mar 11 1993 01:26:35 info.ver

7741440 bytes total (1088512 bytes free)

Cat2950# delete flash:vlan.dat
Delete filename [vlan.dat]
!----- Press Enter.

The reason is that this vlan and VTP information is actually kept in the VLAN.DAT file
in Flash memory, and the contents of Flash are kept on a reload. The file has to be
deleted manually.

There's a little trick to deleting this file. The switch will prompt you twice to ask if you
really want to get rid of this file. Don't type "y" or "yes" just accept the defaults by
hitting the return key. If you type "y", the router attempts to delete a file named "y",
as shown here:

Cat2950# delete vlan.dat
Delete filename [vlan.dat]? y
Delete flash:y? [confirm]
%Error deleting flash:y (No such file or directory)

Cat2950# delete vlan.dat
Delete filename [vlan.dat]?
Delete flash:vlan.dat? [confirm]

Cat2950# reload

Another way to delete Vlan :

So simple:
Cat2950(config)#no vlan 2-1000

Verify that VLANs (2-1000) are gone:
Cat2950(config)#do sh vlan br

VLAN Name Status Ports
—- ——————————– ——— ——————————-
1 default active Fa0/1, Fa0/2, Fa0/3, Fa0/4
Fa0/5, Fa0/6, Fa0/7, Fa0/8
Fa0/9, Fa0/10, Fa0/11, Fa0/12
Fa0/16, Fa0/17, Fa0/18, Fa0/19
Fa0/20, Fa0/21, Fa0/22, Fa0/23
Fa0/24, Fa0/25, Fa0/26, Fa0/27
Fa0/28, Fa0/29, Fa0/30, Fa0/31
Fa0/32, Fa0/33, Fa0/34, Fa0/35
Fa0/36, Fa0/37, Fa0/38, Fa0/39
Fa0/40, Fa0/41, Fa0/42, Fa0/43
Fa0/44, Fa0/45, Fa0/46, Fa0/47
Fa0/48, Gi0/1, Gi0/2, Gi0/3
1002 fddi-default act/unsup
1003 token-ring-default act/unsup
1004 fddinet-default act/unsup
1005 trnet-default act/unsup


Policy Based Routing

Nape nk buat "Policy Based Routing" ni ? maklumat lanjut bleh refer pd link di bawah. Secara ringkasnya apabila korang ada 2 ISP / gateway dan nk forward setiap traffic melalui gateway berlainan.

Reference :

Cisco ACL

Access lists may be used for purposes filtering IP traffic, defining traffic to Network Address Translate (NAT) or encrypt, or filtering non-IP protocols such as AppleTalk ,IPX etc.

Troubleshoot and Alerts

Security Advisories, Responses and Notices

(All IP Addressing Services Security Advisories, Responses and Notices)

Troubleshooting TechNotes

(All IP Addressing Services Troubleshooting TechNotes)

Characterizing and Tracing Packet Floods Using Cisco RoutersCross-Navigate

Cisco Guide to Harden Cisco IOS Devices

Configuring IP Access ListsCross-Navigate

Transit Access Control Lists: Filtering at Your Edge

Configuring Commonly Used IP ACLs

Configuring IP Access Lists

Configuring Commonly Used IP ACLs

Configuring IP Access Lists

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Troubleshooting TCP/IP connectivity dgn Win XP

Bnyk gk command nyer..bleh refer sini ::

Basic tools

  • Network Diagnostics in Help and Support
    Contains detailed information about the network configuration and the results of automated tests.
  • Network Connections folder
    Contains information and configuration for all network connections on the computer. To locate the Network Connections folder, click Start, click Control Panel, and then click Network and Internet Connections.
  • IPConfig command
    Displays current TCP/IP network configuration values, updates, or releases, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) allocated leases, and display, register, or flush Domain Name System (DNS) names.
  • Ping command
    Sends ICMP Echo Request messages to verify that TCP/IP is configured correctly and that a TCP/IP host is available.

Advanced tools

  • Hostname command
    Displays the name of the host computer.
  • Nbtstat command
    Displays the status of current NetBIOS over TCP/IP connections, updates the NetBIOS name cache, and displays the registered names and scope ID.
  • PathPing command
    Displays a path of a TCP/IP host and packet losses at each router along the way.
  • Route command
    Displays the IP routing table and adds or deletes IP routes.
  • Tracert command
    Displays the path of a TCP/IP host.
To view the correct command syntax to use with each of these tools, type -? at a command prompt after the name of the tool.

Windows XP Professional tools

Windows XP Professional contains the following additional tools:
  • Event viewer
    Records system errors and events.
  • Computer Management
    Changes network interface drivers and other components.

CCNA Guide


Routing Basic


Cisco Quick Tips

Sunday, February 13, 2011

PING - How To

Tutorial menarik tentang PING...belajar melalui PHP..

Reference :

OSI Model

Reference ::

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Polycom VC problem with Cisco ASA Firewall

Masih dlm kajian...try refer link di bawah :

Google keyword :: cisco asa + polycom video conference problem + one to one nat