Saturday, February 26, 2011

Cisco :: Configuring SSH

PRECONDITION: You need a K9 IOS (newer than 12.1) to enable SSH

1) You MUST set a host name
hostname ciscolab

2) You MUST set a ip domain name
ip domain-name

3) You MUST enable aaa new-model OR set “login local” under vty configuration but not just “login”
aaa new-model

4) You MUST create a user
username sshtest password 0 sshpass

5) You MUST generate RSA keys
crypto key generate rsa

if you have RSA keys before you will receive a message, type yes
% You already have RSA keys defined named
% Do you really want to replace them? [yes/no]: yes

it will ask for modulus size, 1024 is fine (it depends your security needs)
How many bits in the modulus [512]: 1024

6) You MUST set vty access method to all OR ssh (if you chose ssh telnet will be disabled)
line vty 0 4
transport input ssh

Reference ::

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