Friday, February 3, 2012

Route Map

Step 1 - define an ACL

Keep in mind that whatever is permitted by this ACL is what will be matched. You don't want to permit everything. Usually, I take advantage of the implicit deny at the bottom of the ACL and just create an ACL that permits what I am going to take action on in the route-map.

So, just create a simple ACL:

Router(config)# access-list 101 permit ip any host

This ACL permits only traffic with a destination IP of (the traffic we want to send elsewhere)

Step 2 - create a route-map

To create a route-map, go into route-map configuration mode, like this:

Router(config)# route-map reroute10traffic permit 10


Next, set your match policy to match the traffic in ACL 101, like this:

Router(config-route-map)#match ip address 101

This will match all the traffic permitted through ACL 101.

Next, you need to set some action on that traffic. What do you want to happen to that traffic? Let's tell the router to send it out interface Fast Ethernet 3/0, like this:

Router(config-route-map)#set interface Fa3/0

Step 3 - Apply the route-map to the interface

Next, you need to apply this policy/route-map to the interface where the traffic is coming in.

Router(config)# interface Fast Ethernet 3/0

Router(config-if)#ip policy route-map reroute10traffic

Reference :

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